Setting up availability calendar

Configuring your WebID

Your WebID needs to point to your availability calendar using the For example, this is what you find in Pieter Heyvaert's WebID.

    @prefix knows: <> .
    @prefix schema: <> .

      knows:hasAvailabilityCalendar <> .
      schema:url "" .

How your availability calendar should look

Your availability calendar needs events annotated by schema:Event. Each event needs at least a start and end date, annotated by schema:startDate and schema:endDate. For example, this is what you find in Pieter Heyvaert's availability calendar.

    @prefix event: <> .
    @prefix schema: <> .

        schema:event event:0bcdd7ee585119f93b4ee5574c9c4275,
        schema:name "Availability of Pieter Heyvaert" .

    event:0bcdd7ee585119f93b4ee5574c9c4275 a schema:Event;
        schema:endDate "2022-03-21T15:00:00.000Z";
        schema:name "Available for meetings";
        schema:startDate "2022-03-21T14:30:00.000Z" .

    event:0f0cfa3c54d8cbdaf81e796ca2669fa1 a schema:Event;
        schema:endDate "2022-03-23T13:30:00.000Z";
        schema:name "Available for meetings";
        schema:startDate "2022-03-23T13:00:00.000Z" .

Setting up vacation calendar

Configuring your WebID

Your WebID needs to point to your vacation calendar using the For example, this is what you find in Pieter Heyvaert's WebID.

    @prefix knows: <> .

      knows:hasAvailabilityCalendar <> .

How your availability calendar should look

Your vacation calendar needs days annotated by knows:VacationDay. Each day needs at least a date and part of day, annotated by knows:date and knows:partOfDay. For example, this is what you find in Pieter Heyvaert's vacation calendar.

    @prefix knows: <> .

        a knows:VacationCalender;
        knows:days [
          knows:date "2021-04-28";
          knows:partOfDay knows:FullDay
        ], [
          knows:date "2022-05-02";
          knows:partOfDay knows:Morning
        ],  [
          knows:date "2022-06-02";
          knows:partOfDay knows:Afternoon

Issues with CORS headers

CORS headers are completely under the control of the server where a WebID and POD are hosted. If there are issues with CORS headers, KNoodle can do nothing about them.

Source code

You find the source code in this GitHub repository.